Thursday, June 26, 2008

-Tanner's Doctor Appointment-

Tanner's doctors appointment was yesterday.. It was pretty much a counseling session on what they were going to do from here and how it will all affect him. Anyway they are going to do a colonoscopy and a upper endoscopy next month and they are going to take biopsies in both areas then we will have to wait another week for the results. So it looks like we will have to hang in there for another month to officially get a lead on Tanners lil tummy! Until then I will keep you all posted on our boring lil lives!


Anonymous said...

Awww that's not good. I hope they can find out what's going on with the little guy. Good Luck

Sara said...

Poor little guy, please keep us updated and you will be in our prayers. I am so happy you started a blog!!!

Sara said...

...And what!!!.. I didn't know you were pregnant. Congrats!