Sunday, June 22, 2008

Happy 2nd Birthday Tanner!

Yesturday was Tanner's 2nd birthday! I can't believe how time flies! And the poor thing has been through so much and hes only 2.. We have been having a huge struggle to find out what Tanners medical conditions are... We finally got him into an allergist 2 months ago and found out he is allergic to Soy and Milk.. They also put him on a formula that's made up of only amino acids so that he will be able to digest it smoothly.. O did i mention the formula is $139.00 a can! Apparently its the next best thing to GOLD! Anyway after the allergist we had to get another referral to go see a Gastro doctor to have his intestines looked at because he is in SO MUCH PAIN! The appointment for that is this coming Wednesday... YAY i have been counting down the days. (I might actually get some real sleep after all this!) He is going to be getting a colonascopy and this will determine whether or not he has LYMPHONODULARHYPERPLASIA.... Ya it's a big word and I hope to find out alot of information when we go to the doctor. I'll keep ya posted.. The best part of all this and all the pain Tanner is going through he still has a BIG smile on his face!! He is always smiling even when he's crying! He is so fun to be around and he keeps me on my toes! He is a very busy boy and we are constantly telling him NO but that's ok WE LOVE HIM VERY MUCH AND WOULDN'T CHANGE HIM FOR ANYTHING!