So here we are having another uneventful day last Thursday until...................... around 7pm there was a knock on our door.... k might I remind u I live alone with my kids...... I DO NOT like answering the door after dark.... well Jesse and Shanae were here and they thought it was there mom and I knew it wasn't cuz she wasn't supposed to get off till 8pm.... so Jesse runs over to the door and looks out the window and tries opening the door.... GRRR I was a lil scared cuz now i have to answer "right" whoever is at the door obviously knows we are home now..... so i opened the door and WABAM it was g`ma Erickson........... What the freak........... what a surprise........ omg i was so excited to see her but I didn't want to let her in cuz my house was a FREAKEN MESS.......... how embarrassing..... but come on she drove 6 hours and stopped to see us.... so I invited her into our mess....... and put her to work.... ha ha I'm kidding.... my kids were SO EXCITED to see her..... Tanner saw her first and just bolted across the room and jumped into her arms... literally.... it was so cute... then kk saw her and did the same thing.... WOW what a WONDERFUL surprise:) K now i really wasn't kidding about putting her to work:) i had her feed kaidence and after that we pulled kk`s quilt out and she started sewing it back together... (I'm so glad g`ma ericksons quilts have a FREE LIFETIME warranty) ha ha..... so by the time she finished the quilt it was too late for her to drive to Vegas so she had to stay the night... oops.... i know that wasn't quite what she had planned but it was so much fun for us to have her here.... We love you g`ma erickson and u are welcome to drive 6 hours ANYTIME to SURPRISE us!!!!!!!!!!!
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