Wednesday, April 8, 2009

nag! nag! nag!

CONSTANT NAGGING FROM KK AND TJ........ can we go to Grandma Erickson's how many more days till we can go to grandma Erickson's can i call me daddy and tell him we are going to grandma Erickson's so only 3 more days till we get to go to grandma Erickson's oh i need to call my papa (meaning my dad, Blaine) and tell him we are going to grandma Erickson's for Easter (we will be leaving my moms and the kids start crying) i forgot to tell grandma Mary we are going to grandma Erickson's for Easter (kk telling tanner) tanner u never saw grandma Erickson's big new house (tanner cries) mommy kenzie says i never seed Gama Erickson's house (kk running behind him yelling) i told him he never did cuz only me and my daddy were there and tanner WAS NOT there (kk will ask) can i text my daddy and tell him we are going to grandma Erickson's for Easter (her text reads) maetdadmk......... (Daniel will text back and say) i love u too kk (kk cries and says) i didn't text my daddy i love him i wanted to tell him i am going to grandma Erickson's (kk and tanner playing in there room talking amongst themselves) (kk) hey tanner do u want to take this to grandma Erickson's house (tanner) ya i will take that cuz my gama Erickson wants to see it (we were making kk's bed kk says) maybe when I'm at grandma Erickson's she will make me another princess quilt (they brag to the daycare kids) u don't have a grandma Erickson (they fight back) ya huh she made me jammies ............................................................. ugh the list goes on and on!!!!!!! so GRANDMA ERICKSON I HOPE U ARE READY 4 US CUZ HERE WE COME!!!!!!!!!

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

I Love Easter!

I love Easter it's such a fun holiday! We celebrated a bit early this year because my schedule was a lil all over the place and we are going to Ogden for the weekend! We had so much fun! We colored eggs yesterday morning. Then this morning we found a hill and rolled them all down so my fridge no longer smells like boiled eggs.. lol.... We had a blast and my kids just can't wait to get to Grandma Erickson's for more Easter fun its the topic of every hour! lol

Thursday, April 2, 2009

update! update! update!

Ok! so much has gone on since i last posted so i will try and keep it short, sweet, and to the point! For starters we got in our own place again! YAY! For those who don't already know i had to move out of my last house cuz the heater broke:( so we had to move into my parents till we were able to find another place..... anyway it worked out in the end cuz we have a bigger place for cheaper! Ok! about my monsters.... MaKenzie~~ She is being her bratty grown up self! she seems to know everything... but I'm not complaining cuz she kinda does... she is my right hand.... she does ALOT for me... she helps out with kade an awful lot ITS GREAT! We recently pulled her out of preschool cuz we slowly found out we were actually paying for her to play for 2 hours instead of getting an education.. she was not sad at all surprisingly... she would tell us she was really bored of playing with toys and play dough at school. lol. she is too funny.. so now i save 85 bucks a month and i teach her at home.. Tanner~~ oh boy where do i start with my lil tanner man! He recently fell off a lil cliff and scrapped up his back and got a staple in his head and earlier that day he was riding a motorcycle with training wheels and ran right into a tree and did a front flip off of it.. luckily he didnt get a scratch from that... oh tanner is always so busy! it never fails we are always kissing his boo boos! as for his medical stuff.... he got his tonsils and adenoids out in February while daniel was in ogden.. he was so stubborn and miserable about the whole process... but he and I both got through it thankfully:) he just had a follow up with his specialist this week and everything went well.. the doc wants us to try and give him small portions of milk and see how he does cuz he doesn't think anything is wrong with him anymore! we don't know for sure but we will keep our fingers crossed!

Kaidence~~ he is now 5 months old! he is getting so big! he is rolling all over the place and just the other day he was doing frog leaps so it wont be long before he starts crawling! he is also teething...ugh... no teeth yet but he is doing lots of chewing and slobbering so I'm sure we will see some white soon!
i thinks that about sums it up! i know i dint do a very good job at keeping it short.. or sweet... or to the point.... lol.... oops sorry!! anyways we are all staying super busy and doing very well!