Friday, December 5, 2008


Tanner had a very eventful weekend:( Last Sunday we were at my parents house and all the cousins were over and it was a super nice day so they were all playing outside... As they were all running around Tanner ran into a piece of steel:( The cut didn't seem too terribly bad but I was a lil concerned that he would need a tetanus shot cuz it was really dirty steel so i took him to the ER and it turns out he was good to go on the shot but he needed 3 stitches.. It was so sad at first they put numbing cream on his face with a gauze and we had to wait 20 minutes. Then they put him in a restraint to do the stitches. He did not like that at all but when he was finished he took a deep breath and asked if he could go to the park:) So we went to the park! Nothing ever seems to slow him down!

Thursday, December 4, 2008


First off we had a really good Thanksgiving! My kids had so much fun playing with all the cousins on my side of the family! And I enjoyed visiting with my aunts, uncles, and brother. Its sad we cant get together more often. I wanted to take a minute and mention a couple things i am thankful for.. I feel like I don't say "thank you" enough! I am GRATEFUL for.....

~~My Parents~~

I can't thank them enough for all they have done and still do for me and my kids. They have always taught me to be strong and to never give up even when the times get tough.

~~Makenzie~~ ~~Tanner~~

My Kids are my Life!! I do not know what I would be doing right know if i didn't have them in my life! They are my Therapy.. They have taught me how to love unconditionally.. I Love them so much!

~~My Brothers and Sisters~~

I love you guys so much! As kids we hated each other but as we have grown we have become so close and I wouldn't change it for anything! Thank you for always being there for me and supporting me in all I do!

~~My Friends~~

Wow!!! I have the "BEST" friends in the world hands down! They have been there for me through thick and thin! I consider them all family... And I want them all to know I will always be there for them no matter what...

~~Daniel and His Family~~

You guys are very amazing people and I appreciate all you do for me and my kids! I Love you guys!!