Sunday, July 27, 2008

Happy 4th Birthday MaKenzie!

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Fun At The Park!!!

Thursday, July 17, 2008


We just got back from Lagoon!!!! It was SO much fun! KK loved all the rides except the dinosaur egg drop and rattle snake rapids... Tanner wasn't sure if he liked or disliked the rides... We took my nephew Kyler with us and he absolutely loved all the rides. He wasn't afraid of anything. He was so funny cuz he didn't want to ride with anyone he said he can do it his self. lol. He even wanted to ride the ones he wasn't big enough for... He was so silly and it was so fun to have him there with us..

FUN.FUN.FUN. There's Kyler...
...and here they come This was the dinosaur egg drop.. She hated it Stopping for a quick HUG!!! Flying the Helicopter Daddy ~N~ Kinny Girl Kyler wanted to ride all the camouflage rides. lol

Saturday, July 12, 2008


Yay!! We got Tanner's results back yesterday and it turns out he has really really bad acid reflux. ugh. The biopsy for the allergy test they took showed he was allergic to soy but when it came to milk he is actually only allergic to the lactose and the sugars in milk but he is not allergic to milk protein. So they are going to put him on previcid for the acid reflux and then they are going to have us try another formula that is milk based but its lactose free and it has milk protein in it to help get some nutrients in his body so he can start gaining a lil more weight. And as far as the Lymphonodularhyperplasia there is nothing they can do for it but by taking soy and milk out of his diet it will be less painful for him... anyways that's the scoop. I am so happy to have finally figured something out with him!!!!

Sunday, July 6, 2008




Fourth of july fireworks!

Saturday, July 5, 2008

4th Of July Fun!

We went to the Laverkin City Parade. MaKenzie thought it was really neat and had a good time. Tanner on the other hand was scared to death. He didn't like that they threw candy. He made me hold him and he just kept saying "SCARY" with a death grip on my shirt. All Daniel and I could do was laugh. He is so dang scared of everything. After the Parade we came home and we all had nice long naps. Just what we all needed! Later that night we went to the baseball park in Hurricane to watch their city fireworks. Our kids had a blast and surprisingly Tanner didn't freak out like we thought he would. He just sat right next to Daniel and didn't blink until they were over. He is so cute but seriously scared of EVERYTHING!!!

Thursday, July 3, 2008

My 24 Week OB Appointment...

I am 24 weeks now and today I had the glucose test done and my sugar is too high so I have to go in next week for a 4 hour test. I have never had to do this before but my doctor said on the day of the appointment I have to fast until 9am then I drink the glucose drink then they will check my blood every hour for 4 hours.. ugh.. It does not sound fun to me but I gotta do it.. Other than that the heartbeat was at 150 and everything else looked and sounded normal.

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

We Made It Through The Night!!!

Getting ready for the procedure..
He thought the socks were "Cool!"
He didn't like the tiger gown so much...
...So MaKenzie used it for her baby
And At 5pm he was back to normal!!!
Hi everyone!! We made it through the night with minor struggles. Tanner got up at 2:30am and was ready for a drink. Of course he couldn't have one so I stayed up and entertained him with anything and everything I could possibly think of. (it was definitely not easy) We even left our house a lil early because I was running out of ideas. Anyway everything went as planned. The procedure lasted about an hour. The doctor thought everything looked pretty good. For the Endoscopy he was concerned about the first biopsy he took because it just flaked off. He said it's probably nothing serious but we will know for sure when the test results come back. For the Colonascopy he found, what we expected, Lymphnoids on the colon, which is Lymphonodularhyperplasia. He also took several biopsies of different areas just to ensure everything is normal. So because it's a holiday weekend his tests wont get sent out till Monday so we will have to wait 2 weeks for the results.. But all in all we feel really good about everything and Tanner is just as normal as can be. (until tonight)

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Really Good News and Semi Bad News..

Really Good News>>> Tanner goes in for his colonascopy and endoscopy at 630 in the morning.. Yay.. It is happening a lot quicker than we expected.. We wont complain.. We will take what we can get..
Semi Bad News>>> He can't have anything but clear liquids all day today and absolutely nothing after midnight.. It wasn't so bad keeping him from food earlier today but now it's 6pm and he is HUNGRY.. It's getting more and more difficult as the night goes on. We are trying everything to keep him as busy as possible so he will keep his mind off everything.. Oh he also had to take 3oz of milk magnesia. So not only is he starving he has a sore bum from the watery poo...(I know ugh) I feel so bad for him.. Hopefully things will be a lil better when he goes to sleep.. Anyway I'll let you know how things go tomorrow. But for now I need to go play cars with Tanner...